3 Ways to Create a Strong Partnership with Your Marketing Agency

Partnering with an outside marketing agency is a common business practice in almost every industry. Whether it’s outsourcing a website design or partnering with an agency on an ongoing monthly retainer, a majority of businesses work with a marketing agency at some point along the way. 3 Ways to Create a Strong Partnership with Your Marketing Agency How do you guarantee the relationship with your marketing agency is mutually beneficial? Here are three things I’ve learned after being on both sides of the table and spending the last decade in the agency world:
  1. Have a Collective Focus on a Common Goal
Successful partnerships require an extreme focus on a common goal. What is your business trying to achieve? How will you ultimately measure success? Making sure your marketing agency is aware of your goals will help them identify the best ways to support it.
  1. Get Buy-In from Across the Business
Without buy-in from across the business, it’s difficult for a marketing agency to support your business as effectively as it could. Finance simply sees the agency as a line item that can be reduced. Sales teams see the marketing agency as more of a project handler rather than a true partner. Creating buy-in from across the business requires making sure everyone within your organization is aware of the work the agency is doing. It also means allowing the agency to have insights into some of the challenges your business is facing in different areas, in case there are ways they can support.
  1. Establish Clarity and Alignment Around Expectations
Effective agency partnerships involve constant communication, and almost all the hard work is done upfront. Without alignment around expectations and having the trust of the leadership team that the investment is worth the effort, partnerships can fail before they even get started. Clarifying expectations around everything from results to how you handle email communication is key to making sure both parties maintain their sanity during the partnership. At the end of the day, partnerships come back to the people on either side. If there’s clear communication, mutual buy-in, and a shared goal, the people on both teams can collaborate together as if they both worked under the same roof.