---- Client Relations Specialist ----
Courtney Cochran
Courtney has always desired to achieve, excel, and lead, which is perfectly on track with her hardworking and dedicated Enneagram 3 personality. As a Client Relations Specialist, she works diligently to support client communications and project management, ensuring our clients’ needs and preferences are met.
Originally from Waynesboro, Mississippi, Courtney earned her bachelor’s degree in marketing and her MBA from Mississippi State University. Hail State! Her education, internship, and graduate assistantship afforded her hands-on experience with graphic design, content creation, social media management, print media, project management, market research, client relations, and more.
During her MBA program, she enjoyed her consulting course so much that she knew “working with a marketing agency like Green Apple Strategy on the client relations team would be a fit!”
Courtney’s love for marketing is all about the creative freedom it offers. She enjoys taking an idea, guiding it through all the necessary stages of development, and transforming it into a final product.
One day, she has a vision of her own she’d like to bring to fruition. “If I had a million dollars, I would hire the best financial advisor to guide me to the right investments to make so I can retire early in Rosemary or Alys Beach and live comfortably off the interest generated!”
Until then, you can count on Courtney to serve up strategies to Green Apple clients with her customer-service-oriented attitude, marketing knowledge, and problem-solving skills.
Courtney’s other loves, which she takes just as seriously as marketing, are water and sun. Pickleball, swimming, wine tasting, and reading are all fair game if she’s outside on a gorgeous Southern summer day.