How to Audit Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Our analytical approach shapes everything we do at Green Apple. Regularly scheduled marketing audits are an essential component of any good marketing strategy. No matter how small or big your brand is, or how robust your returns are, you should regularly test and assess your strategy because marketing is always changing and evolving. While one approach may work for a particular quarter, that approach may need to change as you collect more data. Taking time in the middle of the fiscal year to audit your digital marketing strategy is a good practice. Here’s how to dive in: 

What is a Digital Marketing Audit?

A digital marketing audit is simply an analysis of all the practices, strategies, and outcomes of a brand’s online presence. The purpose of a digital marketing audit is to get an overarching view of your digital marketing campaigns and learn how (and if) your digital marketing strategy is meeting your business goals.

Why Are Audits Important?

In this ever-changing digital world, trends and updates are as frequent as a fast-paced TikTok routine. That’s why we run monthly audits to keep our clients’ strategies aligned with the latest developments. By assessing our progress, we can also make necessary adjustments to stay ahead of the curve.

A comprehensive audit helps to benchmark baseline metrics, identify opportunities, outperform competitors, and drive more business

“Conducting mid-year audits helps us stay ahead and be proactive for our clients. One example I have is when we conducted a mid-year audit and decided to change the size and type of graphics we did for a client’s social media content. We saw an uptick in engagement because we were adapting to the changing social media algorithms,” explains Katie Shayotovich, Green Apple Content Marketing Specialist. 

These digital audits not only help us fine-tune our clients’ strategies but also enhance the overall customer experience.

Digital Marketing Channels to Audit 

A digital marketing audit will examine several channels, depending on your goals. You can follow these steps to get started:

  • Review your website 
    • 75% of your website’s credibility comes from its design. An audit will ensure your website is designed to catch the eye of any potential customers.
  • Audit your SEO
    • Auditing your site for SEO helps boost your website’s ability to rank in the top three positions on the first page of a search engine. Since search algorithms are always changing, it’s important to perform an SEO audit multiple times throughout the year. 
  • Run a content marketing audit
    • Content marketing is a strategy used to attract, engage and retain potential customers and helps build brand loyalty. Start your content audit by pulling data for your website to determine what content is performing the best. Look for what is working and what’s not, then optimize your content moving forward based on those results. 
  • Run a social media audit 
    • Social media is an integral part of content marketing, so you’ll want to audit all of your social media profiles. 
  • Perform an email marketing audit 
    • Despite being one of the oldest email marketing channels, email remains very relevant. Be sure to audit email performance metrics such as your click-through rate and open rate to optimize your overall engagement.

Who Conducts the Audit?

At Green Apple, a marketing audit typically involves multiple team members and is a collaborative effort. To ensure comprehensive and specialized insights, our approach involves not only our dedicated full-time team but also a network of skilled freelancers known as “The Orchard.” Each member of The Orchard possesses expertise in a specific area related to the audit, contributing valuable perspectives and knowledge to the process. Our team reviews the audit findings and offers actionable feedback to enhance our clients’ marketing strategies. 

By leveraging the expertise of a team with specialized skills and a commitment to delivering actionable insights, we strive to ensure that our clients receive a comprehensive and high-quality marketing audit. This approach allows us to address various facets of marketing and provide our clients with the guidance they need to refine their strategies and achieve optimal results.

Looking to grow your business with an effective digital marketing strategy? Schedule a consultation with us today.