2 Simple Marketing Metrics Shifts That Could Make a Huge Difference

There are literally hundreds of different marketing metrics that businesses and agencies measure on a regular basis. From website traffic to keyword rankings to the number of marketing qualified leads—businesses spend countless hours breaking down the metrics to determine the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. The real challenge isn’t the amount of information; it’s knowing what to do with it all. Many organizations are constantly measuring their marketing efforts, but they just don’t know how to use their data to achieve their objectives. While marketing reports might be helpful in evaluating campaigns—the real question is how you’re going to use that information to reach your ideal customer. 2 Simple Marketing Metrics Shifts That Could Make a Huge Difference As an agency, it’s easy to get caught up in “reporting the numbers” when we send over a weekly or monthly report. However, here are two shifts we’re trying to make with our clients when it comes to measuring marketing effectiveness:
  1. Always look for ways to translate data into actionable insights. Rather than spending all our time crunching numbers, we should focus more on translating our marketing results into actionable insights. We should take time to truly understand what’s going on and what we’re doing about it. What are the 2-3 things you’re going to continue because of the results from last month’s marketing efforts? What are the 2-3 things you should think about changing? At the end of the day, we should approach marketing like a learning lab—constantly evolving our strategies based on what we’re learning as we go.
  2. Find your North Star Metric. If you could only measure one metric to evaluate your marketing, what would it be? This is the idea behind the North Star Metric. The idea originally emerged from Silicon Valley and has become a popular concept among startups and growth hackers.
In order to determine the single most important metric for your marketing efforts, you should look at how your product delivers value to your customers. For example, the North Star Metric at Facebook is the number of daily active users. Everything they do is built around increasing that number. In many cases, identifying a North Star Metric creates a level of focus and intentionality that helps everyone prioritize the things they’re working on and improve your ability to achieve that goal.

3 Ways Most Companies Get it Wrong with Marketing and Sales Alignment

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The importance of creating a culture of collaboration between your sales and marketing teams can’t be overstated. But, in case you needed a reminder of how important it is, consider these facts…

  • Aligning both departments can help generate 209% more revenue from marketing (Marketo).
  • Aligning sales and marketing also leads to 38% higher sales win rates (MarketingProfs).
  • B2B organizations with tightly aligned sales and marketing operations achieve 24% faster three-year revenue growth. (SiriusDecisions).

I’ve written a lot about the collaboration between sales and marketing over the past few years. However, I see a lot of the same challenges when talking with leaders from various industries. Here are some of the most common reasons companies struggle to create synergy between their sales and marketing teams.

Where Most Companies Get it Wrong with Marketing and Sales Alignment

Here are three common ways organizations hurt themselves when it comes to creating a culture of collaboration between sales and marketing:

  • Sales and marketing teams have different objectives. While each department might have specific goals they’re trying to reach, both should be working together on one objective: generating revenue. When each individual goal is tied to that single objective, it creates a greater focus and filter through which you make decisions. Creating alignment around a shared objective to drive revenue helps hold both teams accountable to the projects and tasks that truly move the needle.
  • Sales and marketing teams aren’t meeting together regularly. Collaboration can only happen when both teams are getting together on a regular basis. When sales and marketing teams aren’t meeting together regularly, you’ll often find the organizational struggles with inconsistent messaging, battles over lead quality, and an “us vs. them” mentality.
  • Your sales or marketing teams are afraid to fail. When someone is afraid to fail, they’ll do everything they can to make sure they look good. Sometimes, that means fudging the numbers or making excuses about why they’re not meeting their goals. If one side is afraid of what might happen if they fail, they’ll often get very defensive about their contributions and point fingers at the other side. Collaboration between sales and marketing teams requires open and honest communication. If one side isn’t willing to face the “brutal facts,” true collaboration isn’t possible.

Whether you’re in marketing or sales (or leading both teams), it’s important to always be on the lookout for ways to improve collaboration between the two teams. If you’ve struggled to create synergy between the two teams in the past, consider if one of these challenges might be the reason. And, more importantly, get both teams together to discuss how you can begin addressing the issue as soon as possible. The future of your business depends on it.

How to Leverage Marketing Automation to Support Your Sales Team

When most businesses think about marketing automation, they tend to focus on—you guessed it—marketing. They’ll use marketing automation to send welcome series, lead generation campaigns, emails for conferences, newsletters, etc. And, that makes sense. Marketing automation is a great way to create personal and relevant marketing experiences for your customers and potential buyers.

However, one of the often overlooked marketing automation strategies is sales enablement. As I’ve mentioned before, when marketing and sales work together, businesses thrive. But, what role does marketing automation play in that effort?

How to Leverage Marketing Automation to Support Your Sales Team

Here are two simple advantages every marketing automation platform provides your sales team:

  1. Equipping your sales team with insights on any activity from the account. Marketing automation allows you to track everything from email opens to how long someone watched a webinar. This is valuable information for sales representatives when they’re following up with a potential lead. But, in many cases, looking for insights beyond the individual prospect they’re following up with can make a tremendous difference. Finding out what other people within the account are also downloading can provide sales members with a more comprehensive view into all of the potential challenges the organization is facing.
  2. Sending sales emails on behalf of your sales team. There are a couple of benefits for leveraging marketing automation to send emails on behalf of your sales team. First, these emails are tracked. This helps your sales team actually know who is opening your email, who is acting on it, and who isn’t interested. Another advantage is that it gives both marketing and sales the ability to test and see which type of subject lines, messages, and calls-to-action are most effective for converting new business.

Marketing automation isn’t just a marketing tool. It’s a sales tool. However, in order for it to truly work, you need to make sure your marketing and sales teams are completely aligned. Taking the time to discover how you can leverage marketing automation to support sales will not only make your sales teams more efficient, it will ultimately help them be more effective.

Meet the Team: Olivia Cooper


Embodying the perfect mix of educational training in marketing, a savvy spirit, and a genuine passion for making a difference, Olivia Cooper joined the Green Apple team as Account Executive before assuming her current role as Senior Client Relations Specialist. Working closely with Green Apple Strategy’s Owner and Chief Strategist, Samantha Pyle, Olivia directly serves clients, making sure their project needs are met and helping them be successful.

A Gulfport, Mississippi, native, Olivia attended Mississippi State University, where she majored in Business Administration with a concentration in marketing, management, and international business before completing a Masters in Marketing from Nashville’s prestigious Vanderbilt University. While at Mississippi State, Olivia first studied interior design while she got involved in Music Maker Productions, a student-run organization that puts on concerts. In this role, Olivia’s strong organizational skills took root, as she was charged with event planning and marketing. Her involvement with Music Maker productions ultimately led her to become a business major, as she developed a genuine interest in marketing-related opportunities.

Upon graduation from Mississippi State, Olivia served at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce, where she worked with the young professional organization and leadership program. “I had the rewarding opportunity to do event planning and marketing for those programs, and it was an honor helping young professionals meet people and grow professionally,” affirms Olivia. After a season in her chamber role, Olivia ventured to Nashville to dive into Vanderbilt University’s Master of Marketing program, which she completed in May of 2018. During her time at Vanderbilt, Olivia had the opportunity to gain some hands-on marketing experience while interning at redpepper, a Nashville-based marketing agency. It was this experience that affirmed her desire to work in an agency environment.

On the search for career opportunities after graduation, Olivia discovered Green Apple Strategy, and she was immediately drawn to the smaller, boutique marketing agency environment. “I’m excited that I have the opportunity daily at Green Apple to take on that unique role for clients as Senior Client Relations Specialist, assisting clients with their marketing and strategy needs as an extension of the teams I’m serving,” says Olivia.

Beyond the office, Olivia and her husband, Justin, reside in the trendy East Nashville community with their dogs, Ollie and Griffy. “Justin and I had always wanted to live in Nashville, so we are excited to now be official Nashvillians,” Olivia says. In her spare time, Olivia loves concerts and live music, baking and cooking, painting, crafting, and pretty much anything creative. Olivia and Justin also enjoy exploring Nashville’s newest restaurants and venues, especially some of the local craft breweries. Green Apple is proud to have Olivia on our team.

How Marketing Can Become a “Secret, Strategic Weapon” for Sales

One of the best definitions of marketing I’ve heard was that marketing exists to be a secret, strategic asset for business development. Whether it’s building brand awareness or developing strategies to accelerate the sales cycle, everything you do in marketing exists to grow your business. The good news (for marketers and sales professionals) is that such a broad definition creates new ways of thinking when it comes to the role marketing plays. Rather than compartmentalizing marketing into its traditional definition of primarily advertising and brand awareness, we can discover new ways in which marketing can play a more “behind-the-scenes” role in business development. How Marketing Can Become a “Secret, Strategic Weapon” for Sales Here are a few of my favorite ways in which marketing can become a secret, strategic weapon for business development:
  1. Write story-driven case studies for your sales team. Someone once said the best stories happen to brands who know how to tell them. And, marketers are natural storytellers. That’s why story-driven case studies are so valuable. Crafting case studies that help prospects see themselves in the work you’ve done with clients is one of the best ways to equip your sales team to be successful.    
  2. Create a repository of easily accessible, relevant statistics. Statistics and numbers can play a significant role in the buying decision. As marketers, we have the opportunity to sit at the unique intersection of having insights on industry-related statistics and data points that are specific to our business. By compiling all the relevant statistics into one easily-accessible location, marketing can help sales teams save a tremendous amount of time.
  3. Research and report what your competitors are doing. Salespeople want to know what competitors are doing and how your organization compares. As a marketer, you can make them more confident and informed by conducting competitive intel. This includes anything from one-pagers that outline competitors’ weaknesses and strengths to links of unfavorable reviews about competitors.
None of these projects require a lot of heavy lifting, but each has the potential to make or break a sale for your business. If you want your marketing to have a direct impact on your business development goals, consider how you can start investing a portion of your week fleshing out one of these three ideas for your sales team.

3 Leading Indicators Your Marketing Is (or Isn’t) Working

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There are a lot of different marketing metrics you can use to measure success. However, many businesses don’t pay attention to whether or not their marketing is working until sales numbers are slipping. And, by that point, it’s too late. Because a lot of marketing is about generating leads and peaking the interest of potential customers, it’s the tip of the spear for your business development efforts. The question is, how can you measure whether or not your marketing is working before it’s too late? 3 Leading Indicators Your Marketing Is (or Isn’t) Working Here are three ways you can determine if your marketing is effectively supporting your business objectives before you’re in desperation mode:
  1. Your messaging isn’t resonating with people. As a marketer, it’s important to know what messaging works and what doesn’t. If the content you’re creating (eBooks, infographics, blog posts, etc.) isn’t resonating with potential customers, they won’t consider you as someone who can help them solve their problems. Paying attention to which messages resonate (and which don’t) will help you create content that actually leads people towards the path of becoming a customer.
  2. Your sales team is spending a lot of time clarifying your unique value proposition. If your sales team is having to spend a lot of time explaining how you are uniquely positioned to help potential customers solve their problems, it might be a sign your marketing isn’t doing a great job of answering those questions. In a world where potential customers are already halfway through the buying process before they engage with an actual human being, it’s important that your marketing is effectively communicating what you do and how you can help.
  3. You’re generating a lot of low-quality leads. Your marketing efforts should be focused quality over quantity when it comes to lead generation. If you’re generating a bunch of leads that don’t fit the profile of someone who buys, you’re creating a fan base, not a customer base. This is why it’s important to define the exact buyer personas you’re trying to reach.
Whether you’re a business leader, sales professional, or marketing director, I know you’ve got a lot on your plate. However, if you can embed these three indicators into your thinking, it will help you keep a pulse on your marketing efforts before it’s too late.

One of the Easiest (and Most Effective) Ways Marketing Can Support Sales

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As the buying process has evolved, the clear-cut lines between sales and marketing have started to blur. Potential customers are significantly further along in the sales process before they ever connect with a salesperson. In the same way, marketing plays an important role in the sales process by
equipping the sales team with tools to support and accelerate the sales process.

While there are a variety of ways in which marketing can become a strategic asset for business development, one tactic is so easy that it can often get overlooked.

One of the most valuable things your marketing team can do to support sales is to create email templates your business development team can copy, paste, and customize for conversations with prospective customers.

3 Sales Templates Marketing Can Help Write

If you’re interested in equipping your team with pre-written email templates, here are three you should consider:

  1. Emails for Sharing Lead Generation Resources. You spend a lot of time and energy creating lead generation resources or hosting webinars for your sales team. But they’re incredibly busy, too. Most days, they don’t have time to read the entire resource, summarize it, and craft an email to share it with current or prospective customers. One of the easiest ways to maximize the reach you get from your lead generation resources and webinars is to also craft email templates your sales team can copy to quickly share it with their contacts.
  2. New Products or Solution Announcements. As a marketer, you’re at the center of knowing about the direction your company is going. Whether it’s a new product or important announcement from your leadership team, having a few templates in the sales team’s back pocket provides flexibility and helps them stay on top of communicating the latest and greatest information to customers and prospects.
  3. Answers to Common Challenges and Pain Points. Your sales team is constantly communicating with people about how your business can help solve their greatest challenges. As someone in the marketing seat, you have a perspective into all of the various pain points and challenges they hear. You also have the ability to constantly test and tweak messaging to see what resonates most. Based on what you find, you can easily create sales email templates built around common challenges and pain points with the messaging you’ve found to resonate most.  

Creating email templates your sales team can customize not only saves them a great deal of time, it also allows your marketing team to control the messaging. This means potential customers are getting the same message about your brand, products, and services, regardless of who they might be engaging.

3 Ways Senior Leaders Can Strengthen Collaboration Between Sales & Marketing

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Everyone within your organization wants sales and marketing to work together like a well-oiled machine. This is especially true for CEOs and other executive leadership—and for good reason According to a recent LinkedIn study, 65% of business leaders believe a lack of collaboration could directly lead to missed business opportunities. But we all know it’s not as simple as telling the two teams they should work together. As a senior leader, you play an active a role in making sure collaboration exists. There are things you can do to strengthen the collaboration between your sales and marketing teams. The same LinkedIn study found that leadership actively encouraging collaboration is the number one characteristic of organizations with strong alignment. 3 Ways to Strengthen Collaboration Between Sales & Marketing So, what can you do as a senior leader to support greater collaboration between sales and marketing? Here are a few tactics to consider:
  • Provide clarity around business objectives. Clarity allows sales and marketing to focus on the goals and objectives that will help you get where you ultimately want to go. Without absolute clarity on the business objectives or specific products/service lines you want to grow, both sales and marketing are left guessing what will actually move the needle.
  • Get buy-in from leaders on both sides of the business. Problems arise when one side of the business (sales or marketing) feels left out of the conversation around your business development strategies. Getting buy-in from key stakeholders on both sides of the business not only prevents one side of the business from feeling handcuffed by something they didn’t agree to, but it also gets people excited about coming together around a common goal.
  • Help teams stay focused when things get tough. There will be times when things go wrong or when it looks like you’re not going to hit your goal. In those times, it’s your job as a senior leader to help both teams stay focused on working together to reach the agreed-upon objectives. Some marketing initiatives take time. Sometimes, you lose a sale for reasons outside of your control. Submitting to the pressures to shift gears and respond to every varied outcome is a great way to give everyone whiplash that leads to burnout.
While you may not be involved in the day-to-day activities of your sales and marketing teams, you set the tone for the collaboration that is created between the two teams. Embracing these ideas will allow you to create greater trust between the two teams, build a track record of results, and create an environment optimized for success.

Do You Need Some Marketing Inspiration? It’s All Around You.

Man at work trying to find inspiration
We live in a world that’s noisier than ever. Between the hundreds of emails, countless advertisements, and dozens of commercials we are exposed to each day, one would think that finding new marketing ideas and inspiration would be easy. But, if you’ve spent more than two weeks in marketing, you know that isn’t always the case. Whether you’re a CEO, business development leader, or advertising professional, marketing is part of your job in some way. You’ve got to find new ways to increase brand awareness, close more deals, or build stronger relationships with customers. 3 Places to Find Inspiration for Your Next Marketing Idea So, where do you turn when you’re looking for marketing inspiration for a new campaign or project? Here are a few of my “every day” sources:
  1. The Emails You Actually Read
We all have those emails that immediately get deleted. But what about the ones you actually read? What makes you open them? Is it the subject line, the content of the email, who it’s from? Taking time to consider what inspires you to actually open one of the dozens of marketing emails you get a day can teach you a lot about how to create content and messages that stand out in a noisy world.
  1. Your Favorite Restaurant
More than likely, the food isn’t the only reason you love your favorite restaurant. More than likely, it invokes an experience you enjoy. Whether it’s a fast food chain or a high-end steakhouse, great restaurants know how to elevate the brand experience beyond the food. How can you do the same for your customers and potential clients? What kind of experience can you create that provides value beyond the services or products you offer?
  1. The Questions Customers are Asking Online
The best marketing campaigns are ones that help your customers solve their biggest challenges. With social media, brands have the opportunity to “listen” to their customers in a way that wasn’t possible before. Whether it’s identifying the common questions you receive online or following keywords and questions related to your industry on Twitter, you have the opportunity to easily identify the real-time obstacles your customers face every day. All of us are inundated with thousands of marketing messages each day. In some ways, these messages only serve as an annoying distraction. But, if we’re intentional about using them, we can easily find inspiration for our next marketing idea in one of the hundreds of messages we hear each day.

3 Ways to Create a Strong Partnership with Your Marketing Agency

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Partnering with an outside marketing agency is a common business practice in almost every industry. Whether it’s outsourcing a website design or partnering with an agency on an ongoing monthly retainer, a majority of businesses work with a marketing agency at some point along the way. 3 Ways to Create a Strong Partnership with Your Marketing Agency How do you guarantee the relationship with your marketing agency is mutually beneficial? Here are three things I’ve learned after being on both sides of the table and spending the last decade in the agency world:
  1. Have a Collective Focus on a Common Goal
Successful partnerships require an extreme focus on a common goal. What is your business trying to achieve? How will you ultimately measure success? Making sure your marketing agency is aware of your goals will help them identify the best ways to support it.
  1. Get Buy-In from Across the Business
Without buy-in from across the business, it’s difficult for a marketing agency to support your business as effectively as it could. Finance simply sees the agency as a line item that can be reduced. Sales teams see the marketing agency as more of a project handler rather than a true partner. Creating buy-in from across the business requires making sure everyone within your organization is aware of the work the agency is doing. It also means allowing the agency to have insights into some of the challenges your business is facing in different areas, in case there are ways they can support.
  1. Establish Clarity and Alignment Around Expectations
Effective agency partnerships involve constant communication, and almost all the hard work is done upfront. Without alignment around expectations and having the trust of the leadership team that the investment is worth the effort, partnerships can fail before they even get started. Clarifying expectations around everything from results to how you handle email communication is key to making sure both parties maintain their sanity during the partnership. At the end of the day, partnerships come back to the people on either side. If there’s clear communication, mutual buy-in, and a shared goal, the people on both teams can collaborate together as if they both worked under the same roof.