So, you’ve hired or are thinking about hiring a marketing team. How exciting! Marketers are experts in organic website growth, targeting, customer journeys, algorithms, etc. to help your business escalate and stand out from the competition. You’ve answered the baseline questions, and you’re ready to enhance your marketing efforts. We’ve gathered a few tips from the marketer side to help you gain the absolute most out of your working relationship. Here’s what your marketing team wants you to know.
Agencies are an Extension of Your Team
When you hire an agency, you’re adding to your team. These are professional and skilled marketers who help you with strategies, measurement, content, and more. You need to have open communication and keep them frequently updated. Sharing what’s on your marketing agenda will introduce creative brainstorming processes, establish comradery, and save you time.
Sample information to share:
- Company events
- Internal marketing strategies and goals
- Target audiences
- Internal and external company changes
- Industry norms
Understand What Your Marketing Team is Doing
If you’re currently working with an agency or have an internal specialist, you have likely established the foundation of your goals, visions, and target audiences. That’s great! However, you don’t need to leave it at that. Keep yourself educated and informed about what is behind their strategies and judgments. Actively contribute your thoughts and knowledge about your industry. You’re an expert in your company, and your marketer is an expert in helping your company succeed. Truly grasping the process helps you long-term when establishing future objectives and goals–not to mention grants you confidence in your decisions and approvals.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions
Yes, communication is key. If you have questions about certain decisions, proposals, or processes that the marketer is executing, ask them! You hired them, and they want to help you understand how the strategies work and what the results mean for your business. Marketers don’t hesitate to find out what your pain points are—don’t be afraid to ask what you want to know!
Results Don’t Happen Overnight
While marketers would love to deliver your expectations immediately, it’s not that simple. Behind the success is deliberate campaign building, extensive researching, tailored design, and, in some cases, trial and error (especially in strategies such as inbound marketing).
Include key team members early on during the onboarding process so that your marketer can hit the ground running with solutions. While there’s no guaranteed timeline for success, beginning with critical details or concepts helps save time and money in the long term.
Not All Marketing Plans are The Same
While it’s good to scope out similar businesses’ marketing efforts, don’t obsess over what other companies are doing. You shouldn’t tell your marketer to implement a campaign just because you see your competition doing it. If you’re working with an agency specifically, each of their clients has unique marketing plans depending on several factors.
Some of these may include:
- Marketing goals
- Business needs
- Company values
- Allocated budget
- ROI expectations
- Target audience
Invest in a Marketing Agency, and They’ll Invest in You!
Odds are, you interviewed at least a couple of candidates or agencies throughout the hiring process and you decided on your final choice for a reason. Whether you were impressed by their case studies, felt a genuine connection when chatting, or liked their answers to your concerns, you wanted them as a part of your team.
You’re investing in them, and they’re investing in you by driving results through SEO, sales funnels, social media marketing, website design, etc. Once any concerns are addressed and the onboarding process is complete, your marketing team or individual will know what direction to take, and with open communication, clarity is high.