Reel Talk: Video Marketing for Maximum Brand Impact

Video marketing is revolutionizing how brands engage with their target audiences, allowing unique opportunities for connection that print and images alone can’t match. With video content 50 times more likely to drive organic search results than plain text, it’s essential for marketers to learn the ins and outs of creating effective, on-brand video marketing.

Fortunately, our team at Green Apple has first-hand experience in capturing audience attention with compelling videos that drive results. We’ll also share some common mistakes that can easily be avoided for maximum results.

Video Marketing for Maximum Brand Impact

While we are 100 percent pro video marketing, there are some key insights to consider when getting started.

Define Goals and Objectives

Our team does not take action until we carefully define and set achievable marketing goals—where we want to go and how we plan to get there—and neither should you. Talk in detail with your team about why you are creating videos as part of your marketing plan and the results you need to see to call it a success.

Get the Right Tools

Smartphones allow us to do more with them now than ever before, including recording some fantastic footage. However, you may need additional gear for truly professional-looking material. Consider investing in a camera, tripod, lighting, computer software for editing, and talent like screenwriters, actors, or paid influencers.

Stay Consistent

Your customers already know and love your brand, so let your marketing videos be an extension of the business they trust. If your brand is known for being an industry leader, keep your videos polished and professional. Be sure to follow your own brand guidelines and incorporate the right font, logo and colors for instant recognition by your customers.

Consider Your Content

Carefully choosing the best content for your brand will also help ensure consistency. Innovative brands may share product experiments, fun brands may share staff birthday parties, and trailblazer brands may share their teams’ latest adventures. What makes sense for one brand may or may not make sense for another. This goes for trending content, too! We are all for participating in a good social media trend, but only if it aligns with your brand and what it stands for.

Video Marketing Mistakes

Even the best videos will not perform well if certain key mistakes are made. We’ve outlined some of the most common problems so you can be sure to avoid them!

Forgetting to Optimize for Mobile Viewing

Most video marketing will be posted to social media, and most social media is viewed on smartphones. If your content is not optimized for these platforms, your intended audience will not be able to enjoy it. 

Not Setting Up Captions

More and more social media videos are viewed without the sound turned on. Enabling captions and using an app that lets you correct any misspelled words and spacing in the captions will increase your views and make your content accessible for those with hearing impairments.

Ignoring Analytics

We know it’s hard to change directions after pouring time, energy, and other resources into a marketing video. But numbers don’t lie. If your analytics show that your video is not performing well, it’s okay to pivot and test new ideas until you get the results you are looking for.

Not Being Authentic

This can take a couple of different paths. Inauthenticity can look like participating in social media trends or challenges that do not make sense for your brand or brand story, being overly promotional and too focused on sales, and even using language, topics, colors, and themes that are inconsistent with the rest of your online presence.

Creating a Video Marketing Strategy

Creating a strategy is a key step in implementing any new marketing plan. Green Apple can help you determine your brand’s overall goals and how brand video marketing can help you reach them. Contact us today to get started on connecting with your target audience in new and meaningful ways.