3 Ways to Earn the Trust & Attention of B2B Customers

two men sitting across each other at a brown table with papers organized in piles
Whether your brand has long been established, is getting a refresh, or is a new start-up company, it’s getting harder and harder to stand out in today’s noisy, competitive world. To make our point even clearer, take a moment and scroll through your email inbox. How many of those emails are marketing messages? And, how many have you read or even opened? If you want to stand out in an increasingly noisy world, you must earn the trust and attention of your customers. This isn’t anything new. It’s what Seth Godin outlined nearly two decades ago in his book, Permission Marketing. The difference is this concept has become increasingly more important in today’s world. 

3 Ways to Earn the Trust & Attention of B2B Customers

If you’re a B2B company, here are three specific ways you can earn more trust and attention from today’s customers: 
  1. Create the same kind of personal and relevant experience as the best B2C companies.
If you think about brands that are known for amazing customer experiences like Amazon and Nordstrom, they all provide customers with customized experiences.  One way you can do this is by segmenting your list prospects based on their specific interests, communication preferences, or stage in the buyer’s journey. Instead of acquiring large lists of users to contact, consider building segmented, high-quality groups that can be reached through targeted marketing.
  1. Create an experience that matches your brand promise. 
Every potential customer already has a perception of your brand, whether you like it or not. In order to earn their trust, the experience you create must match the expectations they carry. Every marketing team should focus on building a quality audience and providing them with the resources and information they expect to receive. This is essential for developing a strong relationship with potential customers. 
  1. Leverage transparency as a marketing strategy.
According to a study by Label Insight, 94% of consumers surveyed indicated that they were more likely to be loyal to a brand that offers transparency, while 73% said they were willing to pay more for a product that provides complete transparency.  Companies that hope for long-term success must be open and transparent with their customers. And, for B2B buyers who are often looking to establish long-term working relationships over performing a one-off transaction, a clear understanding of your business, what you stand for, and how you operate have become non-negotiable. It’s a crowded world out there for today’s B2B marketers. If you’re going to be heard above the noise, you have to earn the trust and attention of our potential customers. By embracing these three keys, you’ll put yourself in a better position to get your prospects’ attention, begin to earn their trust, and start building the foundation for relationships that can last a lifetime.