Meet the Team: Jordan Forbes

Jordan Forbes has a passion for doing good work.

As she currently pursues her MBA at the Pfeffer Graduate School at Lipscomb University, Jordan continues to demonstrate her dedication by providing comprehensive and detailed contributions to various organizations. Jordan’s substantial involvement during her undergraduate years introduced her to the Green Apple Strategy team at her university’s career fair, and this connection eventually led to her role as our Assistant Client Relations Specialist.

Today, Jordan continues to do good work by communicating with clients and relaying their needs to the Green Apple team. She also provides key project management and administrative support. Her passion for marketing shines through in her work.

“I love how marketing allows me to be creative and express myself through different measures,” says Jordan. “I’ve fallen in love with marketing strategy, marketing automation, and social media. Together, these give me the ability to be a forward-thinker, thorough, and innovative.”

When she’s not assisting clients, Jordan enjoys walking in Nashville parks to explore nature, exercising, and discovering new local restaurants. One of her favorite hobbies aligns with her desire to understand things more deeply and solve problems, which is a classic trait for an Enneagram 5. For Jordan, this manifests as playing armchair detective for her favorite true crime series.