Innovative Marketing Trends for 2024 and 2025

We’ve talked to countless small business owners who feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of marketing trends. It’s easy to get lost in all the new shiny objects and ever-changing algorithms. That’s why we’re here to cut through the clutter and provide actionable insights.

One of the things we love most about our role is paying attention to the trends that are shaping the industry, testing new ideas, and helping our clients discover insights to help build their brands and reach their goals.

As we head into the second half of 2024, we wanted to highlight a few recent reports and provide a curated overview of the most important insights. Hubspot recently released its 2024 State of Marketing & Trends Report. A few weeks earlier, ExplodingTopics released a list of the top 13 marketing trends for 2024 and 2025. In this article, we wanted to highlight a few trends we found most innovative and interesting and offer a few ideas on how our clients can incorporate them into their marketing strategies.

Trend #1: Short-form Video Offers the Highest Content ROI

According to the Hubspot report, short-form video is now the #1 content marketing format, with marketers saying it offers them the highest ROI. It’s also being used by the most marketers, with 44% of marketing companies executing short-form video strategy for their clients.

While short-form video has been a hot tactic for a few years now, it will continue to see the most growth in 2024, with marketers planning to use it more than any other format. At Green Apple, we’ve seen this for both B2B and B2C clients. Whether it’s creating short-form videos to highlight thought leadership, boosting visibility with YouTube shorts, or launching a TikTok strategy, thinking about incorporating short-form videos into any marketing strategy is quickly becoming essential.

Trend #2: Marketers Still Struggle with Disconnected Data, Tools, and Company Silos

The Hubspot report also underscored a common challenge faced by marketers: the struggle to harness data effectively. While data-driven decision-making is a top priority, disconnected tools, teams, and information often hinder progress.

Imagine this: Your sales team closes a deal, but marketing doesn’t have access to that crucial customer data to inform future campaigns. Or perhaps your marketing team generates valuable insights, but they struggle to communicate those findings to the rest of the business. These siloes can stifle growth and hinder overall business performance.

At Green Apple, we’ve witnessed the impact of aligned teams and integrated data and it has completely changed the way we build our marketing strategies. When sales, marketing, and operations work in harmony to share information and insights, magic happens. It’s like having a superpower that allows a company to make smarter, faster decisions.

Trend #3: Advertisers Prioritize User-Generated Content

The American Association of Advertising Agencies reports that 96% of consumers don’t trust ads, but a recent study found that 93% of marketers agree that consumers do trust content created by real people. Consequently, user-generated content (UGC) has become a goldmine for marketers.  Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube have made it easier than ever for people to share their personal experiences and opinions with a wider audience.

 At Green Apple, we’re always trying to find creative ways to help our clients maximize the potential of user-generated content to increase engagement among their social followers. By encouraging customers to share their stories and experiences, you can build authenticity, trust, and social proof. It’s like having an army of brand ambassadors working for you.

Trend #4: AI is Driving Marketing Industry Growth

Artificial intelligence is no longer a futuristic concept; it’s a reality shaping the marketing landscape. From automating tasks to providing data-driven insights, AI is transforming the way businesses operate.

At Green Apple, our team has been all-in to help our clients leverage AI to improve marketing outcomes. AI isn’t going anywhere and we want to help our clients maximize its power while navigating some of the inherent challenges like balancing efficiency and authenticity.

Trend #5: Hyper-Personalized Marketing Evolves with AI 

Personalization has become a marketing staple, but it’s evolving rapidly. With the help of AI, businesses can now deliver highly tailored experiences at scale. From personalized product recommendations to customized email campaigns, AI is transforming the way we interact with customers.

 One of the most interesting trends to watch is how offline person-to-person experiences will be the next horizon for personalization. At Green Apple’s sister-company Olive + Leo, we’re specifically exploring ways to use AI to enhance personalization and build customer loyalty for hospitality businesses.

Ready to Elevate Your Marketing?

The marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is essential for small to mid-sized businesses. Remember, these trends are not one size fits all. It’s important to experiment, measure results, and adapt your strategy accordingly. By carefully considering these insights and implementing them strategically, you can elevate your marketing efforts and achieve your business goals.

Want to dive deeper into these trends or discuss your specific marketing challenges? Reach out to our marketing experts for a complimentary conversation. We’re here to help you navigate the ever-changing marketing world. You can also sign up for The Core, our monthly newsletter, for all the latest marketing trends and insights.

How Can You Find the Right Agency Partner?

Finding the right marketing agency partner is a lot like choosing the perfect sherpa to guide you through the Himalayas. Both journeys require a guide with deep knowledge, extensive experience, and the ability to understand your unique capabilities. A great agency is more than just a service provider; they’re a trusted collaborator who understands your business and helps you reach your summit.

At Green Apple, we view our role similarly, aiming to become an extension of our clients’ teams and thinking through how marketing impacts every facet of their business. But we also recognize that finding the perfect match isn’t always easy. That’s why we’ve compiled these insights to help you find the right marketing partner for your journey.

1. Define Your Everest: Identify Your Needs and Goals

Before embarking on your search for a marketing sherpa, ensure your team is united in purpose. What challenges are you facing? Are you struggling to generate leads, create compelling content, or boost brand awareness? Clearly define your objectives and needs. Do you aim for increased revenue, higher website traffic, or improved brand reputation? Finally, understanding your marketing budget is crucial. It’s like packing the right gear for your hike—essential for your journey’s success.

Action Step: Conduct a team meeting with key stakeholders to discuss and document your marketing goals, pain points, and budget.

2. Research Your Sherpa Options: Create a Shortlist of Potential Partners

Your search for the perfect agency is like scouting the best partner to guide you on the trail. It’s important to consider the agency’s experience and approach. Some agencies specialize in specific areas like branding, digital marketing, or public relations, while full-service firms like Green Apple, taking a more holistic approach, offering all these services and more. Identify which type aligns best with your needs. Reading reviews and case studies will also give you a sense of the agency’s reputation and client satisfaction.

Action Step: Create a list of criteria based on your goals and start evaluating agencies against these benchmarks.

3. Get Personal: Conduct In-Person Interviews 

Meeting face-to-face with a potential agency is like a pre-hike meet-up. It will give you a better sense of the agency’s style and culture, much like a hiker meeting their guide before the trek. Can they understand your business and craft a tailored plan? Do they use a data-driven approach to inform their strategies and measure success? Are they a good fit that meshes with the stakeholders and departments they’ll be supporting? All of these are questions to consider as you get to know potential partners. 

Action Step: Prepare a list of questions and conversation topics that help uncover intangible factors such as the agency’s willingness to admit mistakes, their communication style, and their approach to collaboration.

4. Build a Strong Partnership

A successful partnership is the key to a well-planned expedition. Clear expectations are helpful in creating an itinerary. Open communication and collaboration are essential, so tools like Basecamp, Monday, or Asana can provide a centralized tool to connect, share updates, and provide feedback. When you take time to develop trust and collaboration, you’ll be more equipped to weather the storms, overcome challenges, and reach your summit.

Action Step: Look for an agency that understands the value of partnership and can grow with your business. If possible, ask for references and recommendations from clients who work in similar industries or areas. 

Take the Next Step with Green Apple Strategy

Finding the right marketing agency partner is a critical decision that can significantly impact your business’s success. By following these tips and taking the time to find the perfect match, you’ll be well-equipped to conquer your marketing challenges.

If you’re looking for a marketing agency that approaches work with the mindset of a trusted sherpa, we’d love to connect. Learn more about our approach at Green Apple Strategy or contact our team for an informal conversation about your needs.

Mastering AI in Marketing: Best Examples and Pitfalls from Real Brands

AI has undeniably transformed the marketing landscape. It’s become a trusty sidekick for marketers, helping us work smarter, not harder. From automating tasks to uncovering hidden insights, AI is making waves. But let’s face it: not every AI experiment is a home run.

While AI promises efficiency and precision, it’s crucial to remember that it’s a tool, not a magic wand. Green Apple Strategy is passionate about staying at the forefront of marketing trends and tools. Here are some of the best and worst examples of AI in marketing to help you navigate this evolving landscape.

AI Marketing Magic: Transformative Campaigns That Hit the Mark

AI can be a game-changer when used strategically. Here are a few standout examples:

  • Maybelline’s AI-Generated Underground SensationMaybelline turned heads with its AI-crafted London Underground campaign. By transforming iconic streetcars with AI-generated designs, they created a buzzworthy social media campaign that proved AI can be a powerful tool for creativity.
  • Drift’s Chatbot BrillianceDrift’s chatbot is a prime example of AI done right. Through rigorous training and optimization, their chatbot engages visitors, qualifies leads, and drives conversions. It’s a testament to the potential of AI to enhance customer interactions.
  • Modern Sales Pro’s Content Repurposing MagicTurning hours of webinar content into bite-sized social media gems is no easy feat. But that’s where the power of AI comes in. Modern Sales Pro leveraged AI to streamline this process, proving its value in maximizing content ROI.
  • Mint Mobile’s ChatGPT Comedy GoldRyan Reynolds and Mint Mobile nailed it with their AI-themed ad. They embraced the AI trend with humor and creativity, resulting in a memorable and effective campaign.

AI Marketing Missteps: When Technology Takes a Wrong Turn

While AI holds immense potential, it’s essential to tread carefully. Some brands have learned this the hard way:

  • UnderArmour’s AI Ethics FailUnderArmour’s attempt to repurpose footage with AI and 3D CG backfired spectacularly. The ethical implications of using someone’s likeness without consent highlighted the importance of responsible AI usage.
  • Microsoft’s Ottawa Food Bank Faux PasAI can sometimes miss the mark, as Microsoft discovered with its guide to Ottawa’s top tourist attractions. Including the Ottawa Food Bank on the list with the suggestion to “visit on an empty stomach” was a clear oversight.
  • DPD’s Chatbot Gone Wild Chatbots can be incredibly helpful, but they need boundaries. DPD’s chatbot learned this lesson the hard way when it started delivering some…colorful responses to customer requests.

Navigating AI: Best Practices to Steer Clear of Pitfalls

So, how can you harness the power of AI without falling flat? Here are some key principles:

  • Humanity is Key — While AI can handle data crunching and or idea creation, human creativity and judgment are essential for crafting compelling campaigns.
  • Double-Check Everything — AI-generated content should always be reviewed by a human to ensure accuracy, relevance, and brand alignment.
  • Ethical Considerations — Prioritize ethical practices when using AI. Respect privacy, avoid bias, and be transparent about AI usage.
  • Train Your Chatbots Right — Create clear guidelines for your chatbot’s responses to prevent any awkward or offensive interactions.
  • Monitor and Refine — Regularly review AI-generated content and chatbot interactions to identify areas for improvement.

Elevate Your Marketing the Right Way

AI has revolutionized how marketers think and work, offering powerful tools to enhance marketing outcomes. However, the balance between efficiency and authenticity remains a challenge for many brands. By understanding AI’s potential and its pitfalls, you can harness its power to achieve remarkable results while avoiding costly mistakes.

Need help navigating the AI landscape? Green Apple Strategy is here to guide you. Subscribe to our newsletter, The Core, for the latest marketing insights, or reach out to our team to learn more about our full-service marketing agency services.

Email Marketing Best Practices: Building and Nurturing Your Subscriber List

Email marketing remains a potent tool for most B2B and B2C businesses. Despite the rise of social media and other digital channels, email continues to deliver impressive ROI. According to the latest statistics compiled by Louisa Zhou: 

  • 64% of small businesses use email marketing to reach customers
  • 89% of marketers use email as the primary channel for generating leads
  • 4 out of 5 marketers said they’d rather give up social media than email marketing

However, email marketing only works if subscribers want to receive emails from your company. Reaching the right audience with a timely message has become critical for marketers focused on results.

For this article, we’ve compiled a list of the most important email marketing best practices for building and nurturing your subscriber list from our team of experts at Green Apple Strategy. 

7 Email Marketing Best Practices for Your Subscriber List

1. Create Valuable and Relevant Content

The cornerstone of successful email marketing is providing value to your subscribers. High-quality content positions you as an industry expert and keeps subscribers engaged, building trust and loyalty.

Whether it’s educational resources, industry insights, or exclusive offers, delivering content that resonates with your audience is key to building a loyal subscriber base. Make sure your content aligns with your audience’s needs and interests, and consistently deliver high-quality content to keep them engaged.

Action Step: Develop a content calendar outlining topics that directly address your audience’s pain points and questions.

2. Clearly Communicate Subscriber Value and Make Signup Effortless

A clear value proposition and easy signup process convert website visitors into engaged subscribers. Whenever you promote your newsletter sign up, clearly articulate the benefits subscribers will gain by signing up for your email list. Use clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) on your website and social media channels. Consider offering a lead magnet, such as an ebook or free consultation, to incentivize sign-ups.

Action Step: Create a clear and concise value proposition for your email list and prominently display it on your website.

3. Elevate Your Email Game with Stunning Design and Strong Branding

A visually appealing email is more likely to capture attention and drive engagement. Consistent branding reinforces your company’s identity and creates a professional image. According to a study by HubSpot, emails with visually appealing content are opened 56% more often than plain text emails. Invest time in creating email templates that align with your brand aesthetic. Many  subscribers will be reading your email on their phones, so make sure your email templates are also optimized for mobile devices.

Action Step: Develop a consistent email template that incorporates your brand colors, fonts, and imagery.

4. Listen to Your Audience by Analyzing Email Performance

Regularly analyzing your email performance is essential to understand what resonates with your audience. Key metrics to track include open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. By monitoring these metrics, you can identify trends, optimize your campaigns, and tailor your content to meet subscriber preferences. Most email marketing software includes tracking analytics, but you can also use Google Analytics for a free tool to begin following these stats. 

Action Step: Set up email performance tracking and analyze open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates regularly.

5. Connect on a Human Level for Authentic Engagement

People do business with people they like. Inject personality into your emails to build rapport with your subscribers. Use a conversational tone, share personal stories, and show your audience that you genuinely care about their needs. Authenticity fosters trust and loyalty, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Action Step: Write emails in a conversational tone and use personal stories or anecdotes to connect with your audience.

6. Keep Your List Clean and Healthy for Optimal Deliverability

Maintaining a clean email list is crucial for deliverability and campaign effectiveness. Regularly remove inactive subscribers, bounced emails, and invalid addresses to improve your sender reputation. If some of your analytics are flagging, consider implementing a re-engagement campaign to reactivate dormant subscribers.

Action Step: Implement an email list cleaning process to remove inactive or invalid subscribers every quarter.

7. Empower Subscribers with Choice Through a Preference Center

Give subscribers control over the type of content they receive by offering a preference center. This tool allows them to customize their email preferences, ensuring they only receive content that interests them. Consider options like email frequency, content topics, and format preferences when you’re offering choices. You may see several analytics rise with this approach, as subscribers receive the information most relevant to them. 

Action Step: Use your email marketing platform to create a preference center that allows subscribers to choose their preferred content topics and email frequency.

Master the Art of Email Marketing

Building and nurturing a strong email subscriber list is essential for long-term business success. By following these best practices and consistently delivering valuable content, you can create a loyal audience that drives conversions and strengthens your brand.

Ready to elevate your email marketing game? Sign up for The Core, our monthly newsletter featuring the latest marketing trends and insights to help your business thrive.

The Lead Generation Gap: Bridging the Chasm Between Leads and Sales

You’ve invested time, money, and resources into generating leads. Your inbox is full of potential customers. So why aren’t they buying? It’s a question that plagues countless B2B companies. Breakdowns can happen at any point in a buyer’s journey, often leading to frustration. After working with dozens of companies over the years, we’ve identified the most common reasons that leads don’t translate into sales.

4 Reasons Why Lead Generation Isn’t Leading to Sales

1. Poor Lead Quality

Many times, leads don’t convert because they don’t fit the target buyer persona or aren’t ready to purchase. Marketing and sales often struggle to define an ideal customer beyond basic demographics or job titles. A truly effective buyer persona includes needs, challenges, concerns, interests, and goals. This level of detail helps ensure you’re engaging with leads who need your product or service. It also means you’re connecting with leads that can be cultivated over time if they’re not yet ready to buy.

2. Ineffective Follow-Up

Delayed or impersonal follow-up can quickly lose potential customers to competitors. While content creation is essential for generating and nurturing leads, it’s crucial to have a well-defined follow-up process in place. Personalized communication that addresses specific needs and pain points is key to moving leads through the buying journey

3. Misalignment Between Marketing and Sales

Poor communication and differing objectives between marketing and sales can hinder lead conversion. Marketing often focuses on lead quantity, while sales prioritizes quality. Both teams need to align on lead criteria and work collaboratively to ensure a smooth handoff.

4. Weak Value Proposition

Unclear messaging and a lack of differentiation can also prevent leads from converting. Your brand story should clearly communicate the unique benefits and value your product or service offers. If potential customers can’t easily understand how your solution solves their problems, they’re likely to look elsewhere.

How to Identify the Problem in Your Marketing and Sales Funnels

Identifying the real reason leads aren’t converting takes time—and there might not be one single culprit. It’s important to evaluate each area of your sales funnel. Here are practical, tactical ideas to help B2B marketers and sales professionals identify the reason why leads aren’t turning into sales:

1. Audit Your Lead Quality

Regularly review your lead generation sources and analyze the quality of leads they produce. Check if they align with your buyer personas and make adjustments as needed.

2. Analyze Your Follow-Up Process

Track the timing and personalization of your follow-up communications. Evaluate how you are using CRM tools to monitor engagement and identify any gaps or delays in your follow-up process.

3. Evaluate Marketing and Sales Alignment

Schedule regular meetings between marketing and sales teams to discuss lead quality, share feedback, and refine your lead qualification criteria. 

Unlock Your Lead Generation Potential

Lead generation is a critical component of business growth, but it’s only effective when leads are nurtured and converted into customers. By understanding the common pitfalls and taking proactive steps to address them, you can significantly improve your lead-to-customer conversion rate.

If you’re struggling to turn leads into sales, Green Apple Strategy can help. Our team has extensive experience optimizing sales and marketing funnels for B2B businesses. We can help you identify the root cause of your conversion challenges and develop a tailored strategy to drive results.

Creating a Ripple Effect: The Art & Science of Internal Marketing


In the fast-paced world of business, where competition is fierce and customer expectations are constantly evolving, it’s easy for companies to become so focused on external marketing that they neglect the importance of internal marketing. But the truth is, your employees are your most valuable asset, and investing in internal marketing can have a profound impact on your overall success.

Internal marketing is the process of selling your company, its mission, and its values to your employees. It’s about creating a culture where everyone feels connected to the brand and passionate about its success. When employees are truly invested in a company, they become brand ambassadors, spreading enthusiasm and loyalty both inside and outside the workplace.

At Green Apple Strategy, we’ve seen firsthand the power of internal marketing. It’s not a buzzword; it’s a strategic approach that drives results. We’ve implemented internal marketing initiatives for our own team and our clients, and the outcomes have been consistently positive.

Why Investing in Internal Marketing is Essential

Investing in internal marketing is essential for several reasons. 

Internal marketing builds a strong and positive company culture.

When employees feel valued, understood, and aligned with the company’s mission, they’re more likely to be engaged, productive, and satisfied with their jobs. This leads to higher employee retention rates, reduced turnover, and increased morale.  

Internal marketing drives business growth

 Statistics show that engaged employees are 38% more likely to have above-average productivity. When employees are passionate about the company and its products or services, they’re more likely to go the extra mile for customers. This can lead to increased sales, improved customer satisfaction, and ultimately, a stronger bottom line.

Internal marketing enables you to empower employees to proudly advocate for your brand.

Research shows that employee-generated content is more trusted by consumers than traditional marketing materials. By equipping your employees with the knowledge and tools to share your brand story, you can significantly boost your online reputation and attract new customers.

Internal marketing is becoming more important, especially for younger generations in the workplace.

As the workforce becomes increasingly younger, with Millennials and Gen Z making up a larger percentage of the labor force, the need for strong internal marketing becomes even more critical. These generations value purpose, authenticity, and a positive work environment. Investing in internal marketing can help you attract and retain top talent from these demographics.

Effective Employee Marketing Campaigns

To create a truly impactful internal marketing strategy, it’s essential to implement creative and engaging campaigns. Here are a few examples of successful initiatives:

1. Creatively Reinforcing Brand Values in Tangible Ways

Employees are more likely to embody a company’s values if they see them reflected in the workplace. We recently worked with a client, Maxwell Roofing, to create a branded office space that showcased their core values. By incorporating visual elements and messaging throughout the office, we helped reinforce their brand identity and inspire employee pride.

2. Employee Surveys and Feedback

Listening to your employees is essential to understanding their needs, concerns, and ideas. Conducting regular employee surveys can provide valuable insights into company culture, employee satisfaction, and areas for improvement. We recently helped a client implement an employee culture survey that generated a wealth of data to inform future internal marketing initiatives.

3. Volunteering and Paid Time Off (PTO)

Giving back to the community is a powerful way to build employee morale and foster a sense of purpose. Many companies offer paid time off for volunteering, but going the extra mile can make a significant difference. 

At Green Apple Strategy, we’ve made volunteer PTO a core part of our culture, participating in team volunteer activities and encouraging employees to get involved in other volunteer efforts of interest to them.

4. Fun and Team-Building Activities

Fun activities outside the office can significantly enhance team cohesion. Whether it’s attending a comedy show or hosting industry-specific events like golf outings, these experiences create bonds that translate into better collaboration and morale in the workplace.

5. Employee-Generated Content

Empowering employees to share their thoughts and experiences can be a powerful way to build brand awareness and authenticity. Encouraging employees to contribute to your social media channels or company blog can help humanize your brand and create a stronger connection with your audience. For Olive + Leo, our hospitality-focused sister company, inviting employees to share their travel experiences through Instagram has not only enriched our content but also strengthened our brand’s connection with customers.

Need Help Elevating Your Internal Marketing Efforts?

Internal marketing isn’t just about improving workplace culture—it’s about empowering your team to amplify your brand’s message both internally and externally. Start investing in your employees today, and watch as the ripple effect positively impacts your entire business.

If you’re looking to improve your internal marketing strategy, Green Apple Strategy can help. We can work alongside you to identify the right strategy and help you create a strong internal culture that leads to happier, more engaged employees, which in turn leads to better customer experiences and improved business outcomes.