Enneagram and Marketing: How Type Threes Move Mountains

“The Achiever.” If you’ve met an
Enneagram Type Three, they likely left a lasting impression on you. They’re the dreamers and the doers who are running the show, making sure that they’re always moving forward, making the world a better place as they go.

It comes as no surprise that Green Apple’s Type Three is Samantha Pyle, Owner and Chief Strategist. She is always looking for the next step, brainstorming ways to advance Green Apple and our clients and putting those ideas into motion.

We asked Sam how her Enneagram traits inform her success as a marketer. Here’s what we learned.

Read More: Enneagram and Marketing: How Type Twos Strengthen Relationships.

Type Threes Are Self-Assured and Confident

The ability to listen to your internal voice and know that you’re making the right moves for the right reasons is invaluable. That assurance is what makes Threes such wonderful marketers and leaders—they have a vision, and they trust themselves to make it happen. You will find yourself trusting them, too, as they prove time and time again that they can move mountains.

Samantha explained, “My self-assurance makes me great at business development, attracting employees, and entertaining clients. It also gives me the confidence to know that, no matter what, everything is going to work out, and we will grow and flourish. We will get the clients we are supposed to have, and we will do great work.”

Type Threes Are Ambitious and Driven

For Sam, “failure is not an option.” A Three’s ambition is unmatched. Their innate motivation to achieve and thrive pushes them to always be “three” steps ahead. You’ll notice that Threes are continually finding ways to exceed the expectations of those around them. For the Owner and Chief Strategist of a marketing agency, that’s the recipe for success.

“I’m always driven to grow the company and provide work with new clients or by growing our client relationships for my employees. I am motivated by success and will not take no for an answer,” she said.

Type Threes are Committed to Their Work

You might describe the Threes in your life as workaholics. When they begin a project or a relationship, they are all in and committed to seeing it through to the end. Many Threes find themselves as driven entrepreneurs, as their relentless drive pushes them to build their businesses and do the same for those around them.

“I am always working and always thinking of the next idea or a better way to do something. I am always thinking with my marketing hat on and constantly jot down ideas to help advance Green Apple or our clients. This is something an entrepreneur thrives on. This is a great trait for growing business.”

Type Threes are Authentic Role Models

Threes understand the rewarding feeling of achieving more than you ever thought possible, and they want to share that feeling with the world. When they’re thriving, that’s when Threes know that they can change the lives of others. 

“I love taking care of my employees and serving as a mentor to them or members of the community whenever possible,” she concluded.

Ready to Partner with a Proactive and Ambitious Marketing Team?

Our team enjoys learning more about each other through Enneagram Types and Culture Index surveys to ensure that we communicate and work together effectively. In the end, this is all to improve our clients’ marketing strategies and use our small team to garner big results. Are you looking to see what full-service marketing can do for your brand? Contact Green Apple Strategy today to schedule a consultation.

How to Improve Remote Employees’ Morale


Remember those “water cooler” chats that you once had with people in your office? 

You would stand in the common area and catch up on what you did over the weekend or share the scoop on that new restaurant you tried last night. Although those conversations seemed insignificant at the time, the interactions boosted morale and made your team feel connected. These moments, among others, contributed to team morale in ways that may seem difficult to maintain when you aren’t physically together. 

Green Apple has been a virtual team since March of 2020, and we’ve learned a lot along the way about keeping everyone happy, collaborative, and engaged. Based on what we’ve learned along the way, here are a few of our tips for improving your remote employees’ morale.

Create Opportunities for Connection

Keeping your team connected and communicating is crucial when working remotely. Even when you can’t be together, you can create out-of-the-box ways to bring your team members closer together. We encourage you to get creative! 

A few of the ways that we stay connected include:

  • Daily Zoom meetings to discuss work and personal topics
  • Virtual happy hours and lunches
  • Increased use of collaboration tools, such as Basecamp
  • Group text chains to share photos, videos, and stories
  • Sharing recommendations for books, podcasts, shows, and movies
  • Virtual team-building exercises

If your team is located within driving distance, and it’s safe to do so, plan team outings to help everyone have shared experiences. For some inspiration, the Green Apple team’s most recent team outings were taking a boat tour in a Kentucky cave and visiting a Tennessee vineyard. Even as a remote team, we enjoy finding opportunities to make memories together. 

Send “Happys” to Your Team

Everyone loves a surprise. Even a small gesture, such as a handwritten card or a $5 coffee gift card, can brighten someone’s day. Recently, we’ve been loving Thnks, a platform that allows you to send thoughtful gifts of gratitude with just a few clicks. Remember that even a quick message of appreciation to your team can make all the difference.

Encourage Positive Language and Kudos

We say “thank you” often and freely at Green Apple, and it’s one of the things that gives our team a positive glow. Showing gratitude to those around you doesn’t take much effort, and it fills your workday with good vibes and warmth. Some might think, “well, they’re just doing their job,” but it’s still important to thank them for what they’re contributing to your team. When people feel appreciated, they feel a stronger sense of satisfaction and purpose in their work. 

Remind Team Members to Take Time Off

When work and home collide, you may notice your team taking less time off. One of the advantages of remote work is that schedules become more flexible; however, that can turn into a disadvantage if employees begin taking fewer vacation days because they can balance work with personal matters. Encourage your team to take time to completely unplug from work so that they can come back refreshed and prevent burnout. 

Maintain an Open Door Policy

Open communication is an essential piece of the employee-morale puzzle. Encourage your team members to express their challenges and worries, as they may otherwise harbor frustration. If you feel that someone on your team is feeling down or overwhelmed and they aren’t reaching out, it could be a good time to set up check-in meetings with individual employees to give them a safe space. Even when all is well, your employees may benefit from consistent communication to ensure they’re feeling balanced and supported.

There are a multitude of ways that employers can support their remote team members. Most importantly, though, your team wants to feel connected, appreciated, and heard by you. 

Want to Improve Employee Morale?

Green Apple can build an internal marketing program that allows you to support employees while sharing your company’s message to help your team connect with your vision. Contact Green Apple Strategy today to schedule a consultation.

Tone from the Top: Should Leaders Be Marketing to Their Employees?


Yes, you absolutely should be marketing to your employees! You might be thinking the phrase “internal marketing” sounds a bit redundant, but we are here to tell you it is a vital component to the success of your external marketing strategy. Internal marketing is based on the core belief that employees are your most valuable (and influential) customers. Therefore, you must sell your brand to your team, first and foremost.

If employees feel emotionally connected to the services they are selling and the vision of the company, then they are more likely to contribute to the success of external marketing efforts. “Sounds great! Sign me up!” you might be saying. But, wait just a minute. Although it sounds simple enough, integrating an internal marketing campaign takes planning, coordination, and thoughtful execution. We’re here to help.

Consider these tips for why and how you should implement internal marketing efforts within your team:

Corporate Storytelling to Inspire

We’ve seen it before: a company promotes their brand to external customers using inspirational, high-energy commercials, which make customers instantly want to get off the couch and join the fun, and then the company falls flat while marketing to its internal team. A popular scenario involves retelling the origin story of how the great, great grandfather of the company had five dollars to his name and then started a multi-million dollar company—a worn-out, not-so-relatable story that employees quickly wish to tune-out.

Employees aren’t particularly motivated by the financial success of the founder of your company. They want personal meaning from their job, a belief that they are serving a vision that aligns with their goals. So, tell the story of your company to your team, but focus on thematic elements, such as innovation, perseverance, and passion—not monetary gain.

How to Get Started

Just like external marketing, internal marketing requires a plan prior to launching a campaign. It’s important to keep in mind while planning your internal marketing efforts that the goal is to unify and inspire your employees with a shared vision and purpose. The alternative is cross-team miscommunication and employee disengagement, both of which harm external marketing efforts. 

While planning your internal marketing campaign, consider the following as important steps to your success:

  • Employee brand education
  • Encouraging employee collaboration
  • Establishing employee incentivization for contribution
  • Implementing multiple channels of streamline communication

It’s important that your employees understand that they are vital to the success of your company, and as a result, their opinions and willingness to collaborate are greatly valued. Take concrete measures to demonstrate this!

A Culture of Collaboration (and Trust)

So, now you’ve armed your internal team with brand knowledge, engaging corporate storytelling, and you’ve incorporated employee incentive programs that reward their contribution; it’s now time to set them loose into the wild of social media. Trust your employees to live the values of the brand where potential customers will take note and perk their ears. 

Employees make the brand come alive for potential customers. In fact, allowing your employees to create original content via blog and social media posts may inspire more trust from potential customers than traditional PR efforts. 

Internal marketing is a powerful resource for company unification, which inspires team collaboration, as well as trust from potential customers as they watch your employees live the company values. Marketing to your employees is well-worth the time and energy of leadership, as it has long-lasting rewards for your company’s reputation.

Are you looking to make an internal marketing plan for your business? Contact Green Apple Strategy today to schedule a consultation.

Enneagram and Marketing: How Type Twos Strengthen Relationships

“The Helper.” If you know an Enneagram Type Two, you know that their helpful spirit inspires everything they do. They will be the first to lend a hand, listen to your needs, and build a strong relationship with you.  I’m Green Apple’s Content Marketing Specialist, and I just happen to be the Type Two on our team! In this article, I’ll explain how the Type Twos on your marketing team use their helpful, sensitive souls to meet your customers’ needs. Read More: Enneagram and Marketing: How Type Ones Accelerate Your Strategy

Type Twos Are Detailed Listeners

If you are talking to me, I am listening to you. Type Twos tend to pick up on the energy of others because we want to identify their needs. Some might call this “people-pleasing,” and, to an extent, that’s what it is. However, we want to make sure that you are well taken care of and comfortable whenever you’re around us.  In a marketing context, that means that your Type Two is listening intently to coworkers and clients, trying their best to understand how they can improve the situation. You can be sure that they’re taking note of your tone, facial expressions, and what you say. Not in a creepy way, I promise! But rather, Type Twos want to gauge how you’re feeling and ensure that you feel heard and get what you need. 

Type Twos Thrive on Being Needed

A Type Two can often base their worth on how needed they feel. This motivation can drive them to seek out new ways to allow people to rely on them. You may find that the Type Twos in your life are the first ones offering to pick your dog up from daycare or bring a casserole when you’re sick. Because I want people around me to feel like they can rely on me, I often identify ways to be more helpful to coworkers and clients. Type Twos will often offer their time for whatever you need; this may look like volunteering to take a call or researching ways to boost business. However they can, a Type Two is actively looking for a way to support you. 

Type Twos Are Warm and Welcoming

As I mentioned, Type Twos want you to feel comfortable—above all else. I’m a Type Two with a Wing Three, so that makes me the “Hostess.” I’m always aware of what others might need around me, so I will try to offer whatever I can to make you feel welcome. Most often, that’s a hot cup of tea.  This trait is incredibly useful in marketing because when people are comfortable, that’s when they connect. That’s when you can really discover their “why,” their passion. People tend to become more vulnerable and show you a side of themselves that you may have not otherwise seen, which is perfect for finding the heart of a story to build engaging content

Type Twos Make Relationships the Most Important Thing in Their Lives

Our welcoming nature makes it easier for Type Twos to build and cultivate relationships. This is true both personally and professionally. When we’re connecting with clients and helping them connect with their audience, that’s when we’re at our peak. It’s indescribably rewarding when we make a new connection or begin building a unique bond, and doing that for our clients is the best part of the job. Above all, you can always be sure that you are a Type Two’s priority because your relationship with them is what matters most. 

Ready to Build Stronger Relationships with Your Customers?

Our team enjoys learning more about each other through Enneagram Types and Culture Index surveys to ensure that we communicate and work together effectively. In the end, this is all to improve our clients’ marketing strategies and use our small team to garner big results.  Are you looking to see what full-service marketing can do for your brand? Contact Green Apple Strategy today to schedule a consultation.

How to Get Your New Hire Up to Speed with Company Culture

We all need someone in our corner. Someone to go to bat for us, to vouch for our character and pure intentions. In the business world, you need an entire team of these people on your sideyour internal team.  You might be thinking, We already provide a livelihood for our employees—of course they’re on our side! Sure, money is an instrumental source of encouragement for employees; however, company culture has been proven to be the most significant influence on employee engagement and productivity.  Internal marketing is a brand-building strategy to embrace as your company strives to build brand awareness and strengthen employee trust. Remember: external marketing efforts are only as strong as the confidence and sincerity demonstrated by the employee pitching these services. Here are a few helpful ways to immerse new hires in your company culture to create a productive and cohesive work environment.

A Personalized Experience

The process of job searching, applying to a company, undergoing the interview process, and then accepting a new position, is a very personal experience resulting in life-altering effects in a person’s professional and personal life. Any given employee has different reasons for seeking a position at your company; it could be their dream job that they have used significant resources to finally reach; it could be a much-needed source of income after a time of unemployment; it might even be a complete career-pivot to a new industry in which they’ve been building confidence to take the leap. Whatever an individual’s reasons for accepting a position at your company are, it should be clear that they deserve a personalized onboarding experience, (i.e., not just a quick review of a one-size-fits-all Powerpoint to be reviewed alone in a meeting room). A new hire should be celebrated. They should be individually introduced to other team members, specifically noting who might be a direct resource to them throughout the training process.  Have a virtual team lunch, or maybe send a company-wide introductory email. Your new hire should leave their first day on the job feeling that they are part of something personal and special.

Incorporating Storytelling in your Company Culture

Write down your company’s origin story and share it often. Your employees need to know why leadership is passionate about the work they do, why the quality of their work matters, and why the primary motivating factor of the success of the business is not just monetary. The heart of most every business is the well-being and happiness of the customertheir satisfaction and confidence after conducting business with your company.  Engaging with and improving the lives of other people should always be the foundation of your company’s vision and mission statements. These statements, along with the company origin story, should be regularly referenced within employee onboarding, employee reviews, company-wide email, and social apps.

Employee Trust = Employee Engagement

It’s a no-brainer that the more an employee feels seen and valued, the more engaged they become with the company goals, often becoming brand ambassadors as they speak about the job they enjoy at the company that supports them within their daily interactions.  So, how do you establish this beneficial symbiosis between employee and company? Communication! Specifically, creating multiple two-way channels of management-employee communication is key.  New hires should be able to immediately identify the multiple channels of communication to leadership that are available to them. These channels could take many different forms including:
  • Regular quarterly reviews in which feedback is encouraged
  • Weekly check-ins, especially during the first 6 months of employment
  • Encouraging communication via social apps such as Basecamp or Slack
No matter the mode of communication in place, feedback should always be encouraged during the employee onboarding process. This is a fool-proof way to immediately establish trust with new employees. Internal marketing might initially sound like an extra step or a redundant effort, but we assure you that creating a company culture in which employees feel valued and proud is worth the time and effort. Not only will internal marketing efforts improve productivity rates, but employee retention and satisfaction rates will be organically shared on employee social media and daily interactions. Are you looking to make an internal marketing plan for your business? Contact Green Apple Strategy today to schedule a consultation.

Enneagram and Marketing: How Type Ones Accelerate Your Strategy

Are you an Enneagram Type One? Have one on your team? 

Type Ones are known for their sense of responsibility to improve the world around them. They tend to accomplish this by striving for perfection, following the rules, and doing what’s right. This person is your organizer—the one keeping everyone in check and keeping everything moving. We’re lucky to have a Type One on our team that is a master of attention-to-detail and organization—two common traits of this Enneagram group. Olivia Cooper, our Senior Client Relations Specialist, is the secret weapon of our marketing team. Let’s take a look at why that is and how the Type One on your team can help accelerate your marketing strategy.  Read More: How Understanding The Enneagram Can Help Your Customers

Type Ones Identify Opportunities for Improvement

“Type Ones are often improvement-oriented. We love to fix everything or solve problems to make something as perfect as it can be. Marketing is always changing, so it’s important to constantly make strategies better as the industry and clients evolve,” says Olivia.  What an essential quality in marketing, right? This right here is what we love about our Olivia, and what we love about Enneagram Type Ones as a whole: they continually make us better marketers, better brands, better communicators. You name it, and your Type One will help you identify opportunities for improvement to make your brand better as a whole. After all, in our fast-changing world, we need Type Ones to show us the light and help us to keep up.

Type Ones Have Great Integrity

“I care very much about doing the ‘right thing.’ Being ethical in marketing is extremely important for transparency with consumers!” she says. Above all, consumers want a brand they can trust so that they can feel good about where their money goes. The Type Ones on your team will always be looking to do what’s right by you and your audience. 

Type Ones Are Organized

“I am pretty organized, which helps me keep everything together. This is especially useful for marketing at an agency, where I’m balancing many different clients at once,” Olivia explains. In fast-paced environments, Type Ones are your ally. They will be the person keeping your projects afloat and ensuring that nothing is overlooked along the way. 

Type Ones Are Detail Oriented

We all like to say that we’re detail-oriented. In fact, I would venture to say that you can find those words on the vast majority of people’s resumes. However, as much as we feel like we need to say that we have a keen eye for detail, that isn’t always the case. No matter how hard we look, we’re going to let a few things slip through the cracks. Not Type Ones. They’re looking out for perfection. “Even the tiniest details are important in marketing. People don’t forget the small things, so I’m always looking out for clients in this way,” says Olivia.

Ready to Accelerate Your Marketing Strategy? 

Our team enjoys learning more about each other through Enneagram Types and Culture Index surveys to ensure that we communicate and work together effectively. In the end, this is all to improve our clients’ marketing strategies and use our small team to garner big results.  Are you looking to see what full-service marketing can do for your brand? Contact Green Apple Strategy today to schedule a consultation.

3 Ways to Improve Your Team’s Zoom Meetings

Despite unexpected roadblocks, businesses across the globe have evolved to find a new normal. Even across wildly different industries, teams have adopted innovative technologies to help us operate as a digital workplaceZoom. Video conferencing has become second nature, as it’s now a tool that many use daily. Though we’ve gotten used to consistent Zoom calls and remote-work etiquette, we are ready to move beyond the basics. So, let’s take our Zoom skills to the next level. In this post, we will discuss three ways to improve your team’s virtual meetings. 

Design your Virtual Meeting

Think of your meeting as a playevery cast member has a role to play, no matter how big or how small, to ensure that the meaning is clearly conveyed. All cast members rely on one another to fulfill these specific roles to make certain the whole thing goes off without a hitch. What should your cast look like? Several key roles include the following:
  • The Moderator—It’s important that a team member keeps things moving along, ensuring that all important agenda topics are addressed.
  • The Facilitator—The planner, the person to ensure that all key team members are included and all schedules are coordinated to optimize the meeting time.
  • The Notekeeper and Timekeeper—It goes without saying these are important roles. Meeting notes should always be readily available for long-term reference.
  • The “Yoda”—Every good play has its fair share of quirky characters! The Harvard Business Review recommends appointing a person to “cut to the chase” or “acknowledge the elephant in the room.” This will ensure an amount of candor that is vital to meeting productivity.

Meld the Personal with the Professional

Prior to the pandemic era, most professionals might have mentioned small-talk or chit-chat as one of the least favorable parts of a business meeting. We get it. It might have felt a little out of place to hear Dave from IT talk about his new stir fry recipe or Michelle from HR’s kids’ Halloween costumes. But, we are living in a different world where isolation has become pervasive and work productivity and team morale have taken a hit. Humans are intensely social beings, and it doesn’t serve us well to primarily communicate with a screen rather than faces. We often struggle to re-calibrate our communication methods. Many have also reported feeling a lack of purpose and accountability without a physical workspace and coworkers. Therefore, initial meeting chit-chat has now become a life-buoy of sorts, a micro-equivalent of a team retreat. Try including a quick personal/professional check-in at the beginning of your Zoom meetings to help overcome isolation and build camaraderie. 

Get Comfortable (But, Not Too Comfortable)

So, maybe we were willing to overlook the poor lighting, weird camera angles, and background-Zoom-bloopers within the first few months of our new virtual workspace; but now, we are seasoned Zoomers, and it’s time to show it. If you’re anything like us, there was definitely an initial thrill of discreetly wearing sweatpants during the usual team meetings. However, with quarantine-fatigue running rampant, dressing for a face-to-face work environment has been shown to steadily increase productivity and motivation for virtual employees.  Here are some additional tips to improve your appearance and increase your motivation:
  • Turn on your camera whenever possible.
  • Test any technical issues 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
  • Review the agenda prior to the meeting, taking personal speaking notes.
  • Dress and conduct your facial expressions as though the meeting were face to face.
Are you looking to better connect and engage with your customers in this new virtual age? Contact Green Apple Strategy today to schedule a consultation.

What Not to Do During a Zoom Meeting

No matter your industry, you’re likely now familiar with the phrase, “I’ll send you a Zoom invite!” While digital meeting tools like Zoom have been gaining momentum organically during the past decade, the practice of virtual meetings has skyrocketed in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, Zoom’s CEO Eric Yuan reported in April of 2020 that daily active users had increased from 10 million to over 200 million in just three months.  As millions around the world began staying home to help slow the spread of the coronavirus, Zoom has since become popular with organizations, schools, media outlets, churches, and more. Digital meeting tools are being used for everything from a one-on-one hangout to team strategy sessions to large-scale events.  And, the practice doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon, as the number of users will no doubt increase in 2021 and beyond!  Though digital meeting tools like Zoom are an excellent way to effectively communicate when you can’t have a physical meeting, there are certain things to consider when using this constructive technology. Our team at Green Apple has made Zoom meetings a regular part of our work days since becoming a virtual team in 2020, so here’s our list of things we recommend not doing when it comes to proper Zoom meeting etiquette.

1. Don’t replace professionalism with comfort.

We get it—when you’re at home, you’re in your comfort zone. However, it’s important to always keep your audience in mind when it comes to a Zoom meeting. A best practice for your appearance and attire is to pretend you’re still meeting in person. Ask yourself questions like, “What would I wear if this was an in-person meeting? Or “How would I sit or communicate if we were in person?” All in all, you’ll never go wrong with dressing for success and setting up your space at a desk or table, just as you would if your meeting was at an office or coffee shop. Tip: Don’t show up to your Zoom meeting in your pajamas or gym clothes, and avoid laying on your bed or relaxing on a sofa.

2. Don’t set the scene for distractions.

Your surroundings say a lot about you, so it’s essential to make sure that they say the right things for your audience. Before you log on to your Zoom meeting, make sure you have chosen a clean backdrop in your space that doesn’t distract viewers from your communication. If you don’t feel like your home or office space has a desirable backdrop, you can always explore Zoom’s Virtual Background feature, which allows you to display an image or video as your background during a Zoom Meeting.  Tip: Pick a solid or less busy wall as your backdrop, and use good judgement if opting for a virtual background.

3. Don’t forget to eat beforehand.

We’ve all seen it—and possibly done it ourselves—but it’s definitely best to avoid eating during your Zoom meeting. Unless the meeting is intentionally designated as a lunch-and-learn or lunch meeting, try to eat before you log in. Tip: If your meeting involves lunch, make sure you keep yourself on mute while chewing or swallowing.

4. Don’t Zoom and drive.

It should go without saying, however, it’s never a good idea to take a Zoom meeting while driving. Not only are there numerous issues that come along with distracted driving, but some employers could even be liable if a worker has an accident while driving distracted on a Zoom meeting. Tip: If you do have to take a Zoom meeting while on the go, make sure you’re the passenger.

5. Don’t put a private message in a Zoom chat.

There will likely be moments when you want or need to share a private comment or thoughts to a specific team member who’s also a part of the Zoom meeting. If that case arises, make sure not to share those comments in the Zoom chat feature where everyone may see them. Tip: When you have a private comment or message to share, it’s a safer bet to use a platform other than Zoom.

6. Don’t forget to mute yourself when not speaking.

We’ve all been a part of a Zoom meeting when you’ve heard things in someone else’s background that can be distracting (or maybe even embarrassing). You’ll never go wrong by keeping yourself on mute until it’s your turn to speak. Tip: Especially if you have children, family members, or pets in the house who may need to come and go in your space, keeping yourself on mute is always a win. Also, refrain from playing music or leaving the TV on in the background to prevent sound distractions.

7. Don’t be late.

Not only should you not be late to your Zoom meeting, but it’s best to log in a few minutes early to ensure you don’t have any connectivity issues that can make you late to the meeting or possibly miss key introductions. Tip: Set an alarm on your phone to help you remember to log in early to your Zoom meeting.

8. Don’t discount the importance of good lighting and camera angles.

This one is probably one of the easiest yet most ignored aspects of Zoom etiquette, but good lighting on your face is vital to you being seen clearly by other participants. If possible, adjust your camera to be at around eye level and take note of the angle of your laptop screen if using the built-in camera. Tip: Take your Zoom meeting in the space of your home or office that has the most natural light, and use overhead lighting when possible. 

9. Don’t have a busy desktop backdrop in case you need to share your screen.

If you are the meeting host or could be asked to share your screen at any point in the meeting, make sure to clean up your desktop and close any browser tabs that you don’t want meeting recipients to see. For security purposes, make sure you don’t have any important documents that contain personal or confidential information open or displayed on your screen. Tip: In addition to cleaning up your computer desktop, consider whether your computer’s wallpaper is professional or appropriate for others to see.

10. Don’t forget to participate.

Above all, don’t be the one Zoom meeting attendee who isn’t participating. Even if your role is just to listen and take notes, it’s important to stay engaged throughout the meeting by chiming in when appropriate and maintaining eye contact as much as possible. Tip: Find moments throughout the meeting to offer comments and ask questions, as your contributions could be beneficial to everyone involved. And, when possible, always try to log into your Zoom meeting with the video feature so that everyone can put a face to the name. Are you looking for a marketing partner that can help you navigate successful meetings and presentations, especially when it comes to virtual meetings? Contact Green Apple Strategy to schedule a consultation.

How Understanding The Enneagram Can Help Your Customers

“I just need to make sure I have it right.” Have you ever heard someone say that? Well, that’s me. All day, every day. I’ve been described as precise, fair, responsible, and, ultimately, a perfectionist—yet sometimes critical, opinionated, or inflexible. Doesn’t sound fun, right? I used to think that. 

What Is the Enneagram System?

Several years ago, I was introduced to the Enneagram system, which models nine different personality types. Before this, I always brushed off any personality tests that came my way. I thought that surely there wasn’t any real value in them. I saw it as a label that people use for fun conversation. But, the moment I read the description of the Enneagram Type One, “The Perfectionist” or “The Reformer,” my jaw dropped. I had never felt so heard in my life. Suddenly, it all made sense, and I could proudly own my descriptors like “opinionated” or “fair” that used to make me feel uninteresting and rigid.  The Enneagram is based on our core motivations, meaning your Enneagram type helps you understand why you do the things you do. I’m motivated by doing things right and, for me, that means doing everything perfectly. What I’ve found more than anything is that the key to using the Enneagram is focusing on the other eight types just as much as you focus on your own. Once you understand how those around you are motivated, you can personalize your interactions with them based on their own type. This is my favorite recipe for happier, productive communication.  For instance, as a Type One, I thrive on clear direction, and I expect you to be fair at all times, including taking your share of the responsibility. But a Type Three might expect you to communicate efficiently and effectively to not waste time while acknowledging the success they’ve worked so hard for. Type eights, on the other hand, like for you to be direct and confident while showing them your feelings to let them know you’re safe to confide in. 

3 Ways to Use the Enneagram in Marketing

So, what does all of this have to do with marketing? Everything.  Relationships are at the core of marketing. Every business must understand its customers’ motivations and personalities to not only effectively communicate with them but keep them coming back. Here are three ways you can use the Enneagram concept in marketing, just as you can in your everyday life.
1. Fostering Leadership and Teamwork
It’s no secret that the difference between success and failure is a great team. Culture is built from the top down, and it shows in your work. As a marketing agency, it’s key for everyone on your team to maintain a high level of self-awareness to acknowledge things that may hold them back from effectively communicating with each other. This self-awareness is especially crucial because marketing agencies wear many hats. Marketers work with clients in many different industries, with countless projects moving at the same time. The more you can understand your leadership style and team members’ motivations, the more efficient you are in your work, and the better your results are for your clients. With simple reminders like posting your Enneagram Type to your office door or regular team-building sessions, your team can begin to understand and appreciate each other’s motivations and use that as a foundation for better work.
2. Understanding Your Audience
Understanding that your motivations are different from your customers’ is crucial for success in marketing. For instance, you may be an early adopter and are always the first person in line to purchase the new iPhone. You always want the newest, shiniest gadget, no matter how long it’s been on the market. In Enneagram terms, you sound like Type Three, “The Achiever.” You care about your image, and you want the most innovative, time-saving tool available.  However, if you’re selling home security systems, your early adopter mentality will not match the motivations of your audience. Your audience, in this example, is more likely to have the thought process of a Type Six, “The Questioner.” Sixes are skeptical and motivated by the need for security. In this situation, you’d adjust your messaging to sell to your customers the feeling of safety they desire by removing fear from the situation.
3. Enhancing the Customer Experience
Curating a positive customer experience, especially in marketing agencies, is always a top priority. For agencies, you’re not only enhancing your client’s experience but also managing the experience of their customers. The first two points in this list equip you with the tools you need to excel in customer experience. The better you can work together, and the more you understand your audience and learn to speak in their language, the happier they’ll become, and the longer they’ll stick around. To illustrate this point, say you’re selling a fun outdoor experience like zip-lining. You know that your audience is filled with people who identify with the Enneagram Type Seven, “The Adventurer.” Through your research, you know that people of this type want to feel free and happy. Because of this, you’ll learn to forget the details and, instead, approach them with adventure-filled opportunities that promote feelings of outrageousness and excitement. Overall, the more you can customize the experience for your customers, the more unforgettable you become. 

Applying the Enneagram to Your Business

As you begin to incorporate The Enneagram into your everyday life, adding it to your marketing toolkit will become more and more natural. At its core, using the Enneagram will allow you to better understand and communicate with your audience by understanding its core motivations. Putting yourself in the shoes of your customers isn’t something new in marketing, but understanding why they do the things they do through an Enneagram-like lens is indispensable.  Visit The Enneagram Institute to take the test and read more about each of the types, wings, centers, and more. And if you’re curious about how to effectively communicate with your audience, contact Green Apple Strategy today. Through strategic marketing, we can help you identify your target audience and channel their inner Enneagram-like motivations to reach them.

3 Ways Marketing Can Enhance Your Company Culture

two office buildings with connecting walkway

Corporate culture has arguably always been important. But as many business leaders are beginning to recognize, it is actually becoming more important as the modern workplace continues to evolve.

  • 88% of employees believe a distinct workplace culture is important to business success. (Source: Deloitte).
  • Employees’ overall ratings of their company’s qualities are 20% higher at companies with strong cultures. (Source: CultureIQ).
  • 90% of employees at winning company cultures are confident in their company’s leadership team. (Source: CultureIQ)

And while culture has become an increasingly important factor for employees, it is also on the top of mind for business leaders as well.

  • Companies with strong cultures saw a 4x increase in revenue growth. (Source: Forbes)
  • Being named a Best Place to Work is associated with a .75% stock jump. (Source: Glassdoor)
  • 82% of business leaders believe that culture is a potential competitive advantage. (Source: Deloitte)

Everyone in your organization makes hundreds of decisions that affect the business every day. Culture determines the quality of those decisions.

So, what does this have to do with marketing?

3 Ways Marketing Can Enhance Your Company Culture

While marketing might not be responsible for many of the factors that impact culture —  it can have a direct impact on creating certain aspects and taking your current culture to the next level.

Because of the unique place it sits within your organization, here are three ways marketing can enhance your company culture:

  • Supporting and re-casting vision. Leadership is responsible for casting the vision, but it’s not something that should happen once. Companies with positive cultures are constantly reminding employees of the vision employees are working together to achieve. Marketing can support this effort by using your expertise to help identify which messages will stick with your audience, your employees, and developing creative ways of keeping that vision in front of employees.
  • Learning and development: Continual learning and personal development are two big factors in employee satisfaction. Because marketing is often at the forefront of changes in the industry or updates to a product, you can play a valuable role in keeping employees educated on the latest trends worth noting.
  • Connection and collaboration: Marketing can help people stay connected — especially as more and more employees start working remotely. Whether it’s something incredibly simple like managing an internal employee Facebook group to share updates or putting together a more formal employee engagement plan, your marketing team can lead out in enhancing communication and collaboration between employees.